The Kirsty Law Band, Craig Rozga & Neil Gowisleofjura April 1, 2015 Sound of Jura is excited to announce that it’s back with more live music on Jura for the 2015 season.
Tags craighouseJura Music Festival 26-28 Sep 2014isleofjura September 12, 2014 September is now upon us and the island of Jura is gearing up for another fantastic weekend of great music
Tags ConcertIsle of Jura Annual Eventsisleofjura May 3, 2014 Jura is a small island, inhabited by a little over 200 people and therefore not an island with as many
Tags craighouseJura Music Festival 27th – 29th Septemberisleofjura September 24, 2013 September 27th – 29th sees Jura celebrate its 20th Music festival. There have been some fantastic acts over the years
Tags craighouseSound of Jura Presents Blood Relatives and Ewan MacPherson Trioisleofjura August 7, 2013 Sound of Jura’s season of live music continues on 16 August with Glaswegian indie pop outfit Blood Relatives and musician’s
Tags ConcertIsle of Jura Concert series starts in Aprilisleofjura March 19, 2013 Giles Perring has been running Sound of Jura, a recording studio and music production house on Jura since 2005. Giles
Tags eventJura Festival of Oral Culture Lineup Announcedisleofjura March 6, 2012 The artists featuring in Tip of the Tongue – Bàrr mo Theanga have been announced along with ticket details. The
Tags eventA new celebration of oral culture on Juraisleofjura February 5, 2012 Jura’s first festival of oral culture will be held over Easter weekend, the 8 and 9 April 2012. Jura’s annual
Tags MusicIslay Pipe Band @ Jura Music Festivalisleofjura October 6, 2009 In the weekend from 25-27 September the annual Jura Music Festival was held, this year for the 16th time already.