From the website of Jura Stores you can have a look at the Live Jura Webcam which is pointed at the stone pier, at the back of Jura stores. The images from the webcam are of a very good quality and it’s a pleasure to watch. The refresh rate is about one second which is great. The owner of the shop however requested not to watch the webcam with twenty or more people at a time. So have a look and close the browser window when you are ready, don’t leave it running in the background since you could disappoint someone else. Have fun and don’t expect to see too much, Jura really is a very quiet island 😉
I’ve tried to look at the webcam, but it won’t let me see anything. I’ve tried refreshing and trying on a different window, but all that I see is a message saying ‘Oops! This link appears to be broken.’
Any suggestions?
Hi Jess, I couldn’t reach it either. I would suggest you to contact Stephen Martin here. It’s probably a temporary issue and it might work when you try again in a couple of days.
Have been looking at the webcam today with no problems. The image quality was good so I guess the glitch you experienced must have been resolved.
Happy viewing
I was a student from Malaysia in the 90’s and had a chance to visit Jura – was simply stunned by the beauty. We put up on Islay, at a hotel near the ferry jetty with a view of the ‘Paps’ of Jura. Absolutely loved it. Must be one of the most hauntingly beautiful islands in the whole world.