Tags festivalJura Tastival 2017isleofjura May 4, 2017 Together with the Islay Festival, which attracts whisky fans from all over the world to distillery open days on Islay,
Tags craighouseJura Music Festival 26-28 Sep 2014isleofjura September 12, 2014 September is now upon us and the island of Jura is gearing up for another fantastic weekend of great music
Tags ConcertIsle of Jura Annual Eventsisleofjura May 3, 2014 Jura is a small island, inhabited by a little over 200 people and therefore not an island with as many
Tags distilleryJura Whisky Festival Videoisleofjura July 1, 2013 A few weeks ago the Isle of Jura Distillery celebrated their 50th Anniversary of the distillery re-opening during the Islay
Tags distilleryJura Distillery Open Day Videoisleofjura May 28, 2009 The Ileach Newspaper was present on Jura and made a beautiful video of the Jura Distillery Open Day of 2009.