Tags antlersJura Community Shop Open for Businessisleofjura May 23, 2014 On 26th April the residents of Jura gathered to celebrate the opening of the newly refurbished Jura Community Shop. Carol
Tags craighouseJura Community Store Opening at Easterisleofjura April 11, 2014 I have never seen so many builders at work in the centre of Craighouse as we did this week. The
Tags craighouseJura Shop in Craighouse Savedisleofjura November 29, 2012 Last month I wrote about the Jura Shop. The current owners, Steve and Bev Martin, were looking for ways to
Tags craighouseBuyout hopes to keep only shop on Jura openisleofjura October 17, 2012 Herald Scotland online newspaper published an article about a possible buyout of the island’s only shop, Jura Stores in Craighouse,