I think if I was a teacher with the aspiration of becoming a head teacher in a stunning part of Scotland this would probably be the dream job. If this applies to you than you’ll be pleased to hear that The Keills & Small Isles Primary Schools on Islay and Jura are looking for a new headteacher. The job description mentions:
This is an exciting opportunity to lead the learning teams of two island schools for the Shared Headship of Keills Primary School, Isle of Islay, and Small Isles Primary School, Isle of Jura. Within their shared ethos both our schools retain their own uniqueness and sense of identity within their communities; whilst there is also a strong sense of partnership working between them and with the other local schools.
Both Keills and Small Isles Primary Schools have integral Pre 5 Units and their Early/First/Second Level Classes enable smooth transitions and partnership working from Pre 5 into Primary. Both settings are vibrant, creative, non-denominational establishments providing education for 3-12 year olds following the Scottish ‘Curriculum for Excellence’.
For more information and to apply please visit this link