Tags HistoryJura Lives Projectisleofjura December 22, 2013 Jura Lives interviewed people over a two-year period about their living memories of the island of Jura in Argyll and
Tags Oral HistoryJura Voices from the Pastisleofjura December 7, 2012 On Jura recently, they’ve been hearing voices of friends who have passed on. The oral history project that is currently
Tags ArdfernalKnockrome and Ardfernal Crofting Townshipsisleofjura September 23, 2012 Just outside Craighouse where the Corran River flows under the Three Arches Bridge is a right turn from the main
Tags clearancesJura Genealogy – Trace your Jura Ancestorsisleofjura November 19, 2009 Between the late eighteenth and mid-nineteenth centuries many crofters in the Scottish Highlands were forced to continue crofting on inferior
Tags ArdfernalJura Paupers Housesisleofjura October 26, 2009 A while back Gavin pointed out a beautiful collection of old Jura images and when I revisited the site I
Old Jura Estate Imagesisleofjura October 19, 2009 There are quite a few resources available online where you can find images of days gone by as well as
Tags craighouseCraighouse Jura in 1817 from the Canmore Databaseisleofjura October 12, 2009 I’m a big fan of old images and postcards and one of the best resources comes from the Royal Commission
Tags barnhillJura According to Modern Writersisleofjura October 10, 2009 I found an interesting article in the Times Online about the Jura Malt Whisky Writer Retreat programme and the differences
Tags corryvreckanJura – Island of Deer or The Cursed Isle?isleofjura October 4, 2009 The name Jura is believed to originate from the Norse ‘Island of the Deer’ but do we know that for
Tags genealogy history picturesJura in the Old Daysisleofjura January 18, 2009 Gavin, a reader of the Jura Blog, sent me a link to a remarkable Jura related website which turned out