Tags HistoryJura Lives Projectisleofjura December 22, 2013 Jura Lives interviewed people over a two-year period about their living memories of the island of Jura in Argyll and
Tags ArdfernalKnockrome and Ardfernal Crofting Townshipsisleofjura September 23, 2012 Just outside Craighouse where the Corran River flows under the Three Arches Bridge is a right turn from the main
Tags clearancesJura Genealogy – Trace your Jura Ancestorsisleofjura November 19, 2009 Between the late eighteenth and mid-nineteenth centuries many crofters in the Scottish Highlands were forced to continue crofting on inferior
Tags corryvreckanJura – Island of Deer or The Cursed Isle?isleofjura October 4, 2009 The name Jura is believed to originate from the Norse ‘Island of the Deer’ but do we know that for