Tags eventJura Half Marathonisleofjura July 12, 2009 The Jura half marathon and 10k run is to take place on Saturday July 18th 2009. The half marathon starts
Tags eventScottish Ultra Marathon 2009 Results and Reportisleofjura May 10, 2009 Competitors in the Vango Scottish Ultra who have suffered a week of wet and windy weather, making it more of
Tags eventScottish Ultra Marathon in Ultra Bad Weatherisleofjura May 6, 2009 Carl Reavey, editor of the Ileach Newspaper, went out last Monday to capture day two of the Scottish Ultra Marathon
Tags eventScottish Ultra Marathon on Its Wayisleofjura May 4, 2009 Yesterday was the first day of the Ultra Marathon with a start on Islay. Conditions were pretty good from what
Tags marathonScottish Ultra Marathon to return to Islay/Juraisleofjura April 10, 2009 Niall Colthart of Port Ellen has finalised the route for Scotland’s toughest race which will take place over six days